Impact Projects

Learning Young
Leaders Academy

An initiative set to groom the next generation of African leaders in leadership, administration and entrepreneurship fields. This initiative is set to offer innovative, change making training for high school students in Africa. The overall program entails a combination of taught content as well practical leadership engagement.

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Transformed Young Leaders


LYLA Student Community Project

Global Mentorship Centre

At the mentorship centre we ensure our beneficiaries are mentored by our pool of highly inspiring mentors whose lives have in no small way blessed others around them. We ensure to build a long- lasting relationship between our beneficiaries, their families and our mentors.

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Community Sensitization

We have community outreaches to low income communities where we sensitize people on the importance of early education, educating both the boy and the girl child.


Communities Reached

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Community Stakeholders

Entrepreneurship Development​

The Entrepreneurship development platform is designed to train children from underserved communities in skill development and capacity development.


Young Adults


Skills Set

Rethink Podcast

Rethink Podcast is a monthly podcast series with the aim to help young adult rethink about life, goals and aspirations, challenges and short comings. 

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Reached Countries


Young Adults Reached




Communities Reached

Partner With Us

Join us in reaching more children from low income communities through our onsite leadership academy